
 助眠资讯 2024-01-28 转载 


The brain does not stop working when you are asleep; in fact, it is engaged in silent work. During this silent work, the brain does not issue strong commands. Without strong commands to guide them, the various components of the human body will only carry on independently, following the brain's weak commands. Once these weak commands are halted, a person is not far from death. In reality, these weak commands are not weak at all, which is why they can function from birth until the moment of death. Furthermore, human consciousness is only auxiliary, as the truly important work is carried out by the weak commands. When these weak commands are disturbed, pathological conditions can arise. That being said, it should be clear that the brain is immovable, although movement is vital for its health.

版权声明:转载 · 原文地址:https://www.zhihu.com/question/641602095
转载请注明:发作性睡眠猝倒时应该让大脑睡过去吗? - 助眠资讯
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